At this time of year some of us are more susceptible to colds, flus and just general sensitivity to the changes in our environment, the shorter, colder days and the lower temperatures the winter months bring can be a real challenge for our health. As I mentioned in my previous blog, regarding S.A.D.
Winter is the season which should encourage us to slow down and reflect, however I often find it to be the busiest time of year sometimes. We are usually hopping between the cold, frosty outdoors and the drying centrally heated workplaces, shops or home. Not to mention being in close confinement with many others in the bus, train or plane, where coughs and sneezes fill the air! The more we mix and mingle as we do to tend to huddle together indoors, the more we become susceptible to viruses when our defences are low, which can deplete us of all energy and vigour. The reason for catching these nasty viruses, well that’s due to our immune systems which are challenged, as well as the change in climate. There can be various reasons for our immune systems to be challenged by colds and flus, that being said some of the most common causes are:
- Stress
- Reduced hygiene levels
- infrequently blowing the nose, this is important to cleanse the nasal passages (particularly when you have been in close confinement with others)
- Being exposed to children, who are more prone to colds and viruses due to their immune system still developing
- Exposure to cold and damp, no, this isn’t a myth!
Homeopathy is such a blessing to us for those moments where sore throats and sniffles occur, as there are many options and solutions to support colds and flus, blocked and runny noses, headaches and fevers. As well as sinus complaints, coughs and sore throats with a tickle, just to list a few! As always, homeopathy should be prescribed on an individualised basis, as each case differs – as do the abilities of the remedies and the subtle differences each one holds. However just a small selection of the following remedies may be of interest to those hoping to help themselves this season.
Aconite is an excellent remedy for fevers and great for sensitivity to the cold, after exposure to the cold and helps a restless patient with a headache, sneezing and runny nose. Aconite is perfect for use when considering the removal of toxicity too, which is useful to know when looking for a suitable remedy for fevers. I would recommend Aconite for the first signs of any cold / flu like symptoms.
Useful when there is thick, yellow or water nasal discharge which stings the skin when in contact. The nose can feel irritable with tickling sensations, whilst being blocked. Frequent sneezing and coughing is also helped with Arsenicum.
A remedy that supports the individual who’s symptoms are worse at night. They may also sneeze a lot with clear nasal discharges, whilst coughs occur from irritation and phlegm.
Helpful for trembles, fevers and chills, or where heat is felt along with pressure in the face. Ideal for the patient who feels many aches and pains with lethargy and headaches. Also useful when someone has had a bad flu, recovered slowly or badly, where they may continue to feel wiped out long after.
Kali Muriaticum
A useful remedy for ears, especially when they are congested and/or have crackling sounds
Merc Sol
For those who are highly sensitive to temperature changes, they may have night sweats too. Other symptom pictures include a sore nose, ear &/or throat infections, swollen lymph nodes &/or tonsils. Again, this is a useful remedy for flus too.
Oscillococcinum is a remedy you may have heard about from the homeopathic world. It is proven to support a quicker reduction in the duration of seasonal colds, respiratory tract infections and flu like symptoms, which can all bring about aches, pains, headaches and general sensitivity. This remedy is taken throughout the winter by some, who swear by the quick remedial effects and ease of use. One of homeopathy’s famous remedies which has a worldwide following!
Where there is mucus that is thick, ropey and greenish yellow present. Pulsatilla is extremely useful for those who may get a little clingy or crave sympathy when they are under the weather and full of a cold! A very helpful remedy for clearing up the mucus from head and chest colds, as well as when the patient has lost their sense of taste and smell. The nose may be dry at night and feels bunged up, causing difficulty to sleep at night but a runny, dripping nose throughout the day.
Sulphur Iodatum
One of the best remedies for those experiencing lingering symptoms after severe colds and flus.
Usually it would be best to begin with 30c and wait to see how you get on. However if you improve and find that the effects of the remedy didn’t last, try the same remedy in a 200c potency if you have it to hand. If symptoms change, reassess for the most applicable remedy for your needs now.
Some general tips and advice for managing colds and flus?
- It is important to remember to stay well hydrated as the body will require more than the usual hydration that is adequate for us, in order to flush itself and rid the congestion
- Being well rested and allowing your body to recover and heal, getting plenty of sleep and definitely more sleep than usual by going to bed earlier, will help speed up the healing process
- You should do what suits YOU. So maybe that is resting, for others it is being outdoors. Regardless of what it is that you do, you need to prioritise getting better!
- Getting outside, even for a short time. Especially on bright sunny days
- Taking a hot bath to sweat it out. Adding Epsom Salts is also a great way to help the body when you have a cold or flu, as it is a detoxifier, as well as helps you relax during your soak
- Feeding yourself with lots of antioxidant and vitamin rich foods, avoiding simple carbohydrates and dairy, which is often triggering the formation of mucus
- Using a humidifier to add moisture back into the air of your bedroom or workspace, which is especially lost by central heating
- Steam the head for ten minutes over a bowl of hot water, to moisten and soothe the airways. Even better, add some herbs or some eucalyptus essential oil
- Gargling with warm salt water – this helps me a lot with sore throats
- Manuka honey for the throat, in cups of hot water, herbal tea or it can also be added to a salt water gargle too. A natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory support for us to calm and soothe sore throats
Wishing you a healthy winter, take care!