What is homeopathy?

Explore more about homeopathy, its delicate, holistic nature, working in harmony with the body’s natural healing systems and how it may help you.


Homeopathy, what it’s really all about?

The history

Homeopathy is truly holistic and gently supports and addresses your whole state from the mental, emotional and physical symptoms you experience. Energetic, natural remedies that boost or ‘wake up’ your immune response and promote healing, they are prescribed to rebalance and gradually improve the disturbed state.

Homeopathy was founded in the early 1800s by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, whose approach to medicine sought for an alternative, to what he observed to be as unreasonable and unsuccessful practices at that time. Developed in reaction to these highly toxic and aggressive treatments, the methods used by Hahnemann and his fellow peers led to homeopathy being adopted throughout Europe and later, around the world. Homeopathy prides itself on being gentle, safe and effective, perfect for everyone and anyone! That includes animals and plants too.


Today, practice continues to grow and is used extensively in many countries, clinics and homes around the world. This is a continually growing community with more and more people turning to homeopathy and other complementary therapies, as a result of better self-care and awareness. As the consequences of our modern health and wellbeing become increasingly apparent, the implications they may have both at present or in the future/ long-term, are areas of increasing awareness and focus. The Importance of our health and looking after ourselves better continues to grow, with homeopathy being one of many support tools. A homeopath is not necessarily a physician, nutritionist, herbalist, naturopath or psychologist but they will often have great knowledge and understanding of many different forms of practice or therapies, which ultimately all span and connect within the world of health. The role of many complementary therapists is often multifaceted!

Homeopathy and modern life

Currently homeopathy is being used in various means, by both allopathic practitioners to complementary therapists alike. Using homeopathy, this form of medicine is integrated into their usual practices or offered as a complete alternative, to provide drug free treatment. Homeopathy opportunely has the advantage of being a suitable adjunct to most other treatments and methods of practice or to be used in the simplest of ways, at home. The benefits are abundant, utilised as either a unique form of treatment or combined with other therapies safely and effectively, regardless of the condition.

Causing no harm to humans, plants or animals it is increasingly important that the health and wellness industry acknowledges the importance of protecting and nurturing the environment, as we should ourselves. Our environment does affect our health both short and longterm, which is why the use of such a gentle treatment as homeopathy, has a domino effect on individuals, society and the wider world, offering both a patient and practitioner friendly solution to many health concerns. Homeopathy adapts to the needs of the individual, not the other way around and is suitably equipped to use and be modified to function with any lifestyle requirements. Homeopathy can be extremely functional, supportive and responsive in our busy world.

It is also important to acknowledge that homeopathic remedies are regulated and all remedies are made from natural substances, are non-invasive, non-toxic and gentle. Usually there are no side effects and no contraindications with other drugs, however this is to be reviewed on an individual basis of course. However I personally advise clients to inform all parties of any additions or amendments when it comes to their health or routines, as everyone can then work together towards the ultimate goal, helping you, to getting you feeling better! This is the way modern medicine should and slowly, is becoming. A multidimensional support system, that suits your needs and has the ability to generate or progress given your ever-changing circumstances.

Homeopathy treats the entire individual, at any age or stage in life. It is effective for a wide range of chronic and acute situations, for which there are endless remedies to consider. This form of bespoke treatment is as unique as you are! Treating the whole person, not just the symptoms or disease label.

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