Therapeutics & acutes

I am always happy to take on any case however more often than not, I am only faced with acute conditions when a client comes to see me that particular day or if it is my own issue that I have to contend with! Acute cases that I see in practice are usually the flare-ups of chronic conditions, which clients may or may not choose to discuss, however by the time the appointment time comes around, the condition may have calmed down again. Often typically the case! That is not to say this is no longer treatable, there are many things we can do with homeopathy to Improve and support the likelihood of a recurring episode or prominent flareup.

It is usually the case that many of us will often try to help ourselves should a situation arise, with something from the home first aid kit in the bathroom or kitchen cabinet! Many of us are also guilty of using the products and medicines we can buy over the counter which are often kept for years – long overdue for disposal, as they are way past the expiry dates! Here is a prompt for you to clear out that medicine cupboard.

Recently and particularly since the pandemic, as well as a result of many other geopolitical world issues, medicines and materials have been in high demand and slow supply. With material shortages becoming frequent this is also a great opportunity to give something new a try, you may be pleasantly surprised what you discover!

It would be great for everyone to have a homeopathic remedy kit for home use, for travelling or simply in their bag for when those everyday challenging health/ wellness scenarios may arise. For a self prescriber, I recommend some of the following few remedies to best support you, with whatever happens during your busy life! As you will see, some remedies appear multiple times. Those are useful remedies, definitely worth knowing. To find out more about the specific remedies, you can use the excellent Homeopathy Plus remedy encyclopaedia. Based in Australia, they have made a comprehensive list of major remedies for the public to explore, which you can find here, simply click on your remedy of choice to discover more, ://

Colds & flus

  • Arsenicum
  • Aconite
  • Allium Cepa
  • Baptisia
  • Bryonia
  • Camphor
  • Euphrasia
  • Eupatorium
  • Gelsemium
  • Hepar – Sulph
  • Kreosotum (for bronchitis)
  • Natrum Mur
  • Nux -Vom
  • Pulsatilla
  • Rhus Tox


  • Belladonna 
  • Capsicum
  • Ferrum Phos
  • Hepar – Sulph
  • Kali – Muriaticum
  • Mercury
  • Silica
  • Tellurium


  • Baptisia
  • Belladonna
  • Bryonia
  • Gelsemium
  • Glonoinum
  • Iris
  • Kali Birch
  • Lachesis
  • Natrum Mur
  • Nux Vomica
  • Phosphorus
  • Sanguinaria
  • Sepia
  • Spigelia


  • Aconite
  • Argentum Nit
  • Ant – tart
  • Aurum metallicum
  • Mercury
  • Pulsatilla


  • Allium Cepa
  • Natrum Muriaticum
  • Psorinum
  • Sulphur

Bites & Stings

  • Apis Melifica
  • Ledum
  • Carb – Ac
  • Urtica Urens

Travel sickness

  • Aconite (when afraid or feeling claustrophobic)
  • Argentum Nit (for anxiety)
  • Arnica (jetlag)
  • Borax (great for air travel)
  • Cocculus (great for travelling by boat)
  • Coca (altitude)
  • Calc Carb (fear of flying)
  • Calc Phos (wants to be somewhere else)
  • Gelsemium (for the tired, drained child)
  • Kali – Mur (ear popping)
  • Petroleum (car sickness)
  • Tabacum (for sea sickness, nausea)

For self prescribing, 30c is a good place to start. This potency is middle of the road and the general rule with homeopathy if you are not sure, is to find just one remedy that matches your symptoms and don’t mix! Keep it simple. Avoid taking anything 10-15 minutes before your remedy (that includes toothpaste, other medications, food &/or beverages) and if you can, avoid caffeine altogether for several hours. Re-dose every 2-4 hours depending on how you feel or until you feel better.

I don’t like to encourage anyone to ‘pop pills’ and I never want my clients to be taking remedies constantly. The classicists amongst us homeopaths would also argue one pill should suffice. So use your intuition as you know yourself better than anyone. You know your pain threshold and other factors, which are all to be taken into consideration of your overall symptom picture.
For example, heightened stress levels due to running late, stuck in traffic on the way to a job interview. You may feel on edge, nervous and have some anticipatory thoughts, in this case I would recommend to repeat the remedy. As this scenario is mainly affecting you on a mental/ emotional level (there may be physical symptoms as a result of this too, of course). Rather than a more physical situation such as a headache or nausea for example.
We can use a higher potency to support the arising emotions and sensations, sort of like dialling up the frequency to match our energy at that specific moment. Usually, generally speaking it is better to go low and slow, perhaps repeating, with anything physical, such as skin, headaches, sickness etc.

Homeopathy is very simple yet very powerful and therefore just one dose can spur on improvement or change. There is also a known method which is the ‘prophylactic approach’, whereby one remedy is used to blanket cover the majority of the symptoms, in place of other medications, when prescribed correctly. As always the possibilities with homeopathy are abundant and can be used not only when you have symptoms but also as a preventative treatment, should you know what your usual developmental symptom picture may be.

The interesting part I find, is the responsibility that occurs after taking the remedy. Where we must address the cause or study the effects of our actions, which lead to the condition in the first place. We need to use this as an opportunity to reflect and ask ourselves what we could do differently next time? Homeopathy may call on us to look closer at the causes and highlight certain issues we may have in regards to our habits, practices and lifestyle. Homeopathy can also open the door to varied thoughts, feelings and general new horizons, so you may become more motivated and determined as a result! This is not to blame, criticise or be judgemental towards ourselves (or others) simply a calling to be more mindful and look at oneself with more attention and detail.

A great place to start, if you would like to purchase a starter kit of home remedies would be Helios, who I always recommend. Of course, you can also purchase remedies individually from pharmacies if you would like to try homeopathy and dabble in self prescribing! I have no affiliation with the Helios pharmacy personally, I simply find them a great place to source remedies from.

I would love to hear from you if you do try any of these remedies, so please get in touch! However, as with all health & wellness websites or information, always ensure you consult your professional healthcare provider before initiating any new treatment. The information on this website and blog, is not intended to serve as medical advice and should not be used for the sole diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or a disease. This information therefore is not a substitute for professional medical care and I would always recommend you to consult with your healthcare provider first.

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