The Process: technique & approach
Homeopathy is often describe as an art, where observation, analysis and creativity are all part of the process.
How it helps us heal
The well-indicated homeopathic remedy prescribed by a homeopath simply encourages the body’s life force where it has been stuck and needs some support, releasing and allowing the body to heal itself. The human body is incredibly resourceful and possesses an inherent intelligence, humans are extremely powerful and this is at times forgotten when considering our health and wellbeing.
Both mind and body don’t even need the direction or intervention of medicines at times, as there is constant behind the scenes work taking place around the clock within our system! Our consciousness is unaware of these finite actions happening, as the body fends off infection and dis- ease of all sorts, each and every day. However it is then when this energy becomes trapped that we develop symptoms, which are essentially warning signs or messages that say “Investigate here please”.
The longer we ignore these warning signs, the bigger and more complex the messages become. If we inhibit them we are sending them deeper in pathology, the body tells us these messages to help us, not to harm us. Nevertheless it might be difficult to see it that way when we are suffering.
The way we then react to our body and these messages or ‘dis-ease’, differs as it presents itself so differently in each of us. That is when we need to offer outside help via intervention.
Homeopathy is an individual holistic treatment, treating the individual as a whole. When you complete the patient questionnaire, you may even wonder why some of the questions are relevant to you and your presenting condition, that is because each intrinsic part of you and your past is so important in understanding your needs.
Remember no single treatment suits all! Homeopathy looks at the whole 360 degrees picture, a wide prospective that does not look at the symptoms or disease alone, but at the root causations of these messages as part of your overall needs.