Sub – syndrome Seasonal Affective Disorder

As the dark long nights linger and the weather changes, some of us can begin to feel dragged down by the lack of light and lightness that surrounds us, especially after the holidays which can be overwhelming and exhausting not to mention the month that feels the longest, January! Often referred to as the “winter blues”, Sub – syndrome Seasonal Affective disorder, which is often shortened to Seasonal affective disorder (or S.A.D) is connected to the changing of the seasons and a form of depression that can be linked to this. Those of us in the northern hemisphere are more susceptible to this as autumn and winter arrive, which can often feel like an eternity for some. Others suffer more with the physical challenges winter brings, such as recurrent colds.

According to ‘Mind UK’ a charity focused on supporting and researching mental health, a few of the common symptoms and feelings associated with S.A.D can be:

  • Being more prone to physical health issues (think of colds, flus, aches and pains)
  • Feeling sad, low and lacking in energy
  • Not wanting to socialise
  • Difficulties around sleep, or struggling to wake up and get out of bed
  • Feeling more anxious or withdrawn

Important to know and reflect on for not only ourselves but those around us during these months, is that S.A.D impacts:

  • Recurring health conditions and ailments, often triggering pre-existing conditions
  • Weather, climate, temperature and environment not only outdoors but inside too
  • Light, or the lack of. As some individuals require more than others to feel awake and flourishing
  • Our melatonin/ serotonin levels
  • Body clock

Our hormonal system plays an important role in S.A.D, impacting how we feel and think on a deeper level, as well as how we act and project ourselves. Our hormones are very much affected by sunlight and darkness, therefore it is really common and understandable that many simply feel more tired and lethargic due to shorter days. Of course everyone reacts differently to everything! So seasonal affective disorder may not be something that impacts you directly. However others can be very sensitive to the change of time and seasons.

Some examples of how S.A.D can be triggered could be:

  • A period of emotional or physical stress, this could be both during or after such events. Life events which have been extremely stressful and emotional times, such as moving home, divorce, job loss, bereavement, financial challenges are just to list a few.
  • Any symptoms which may be hormonally related such as puberty, menses, menopause etc. Which quite like our hormones, may fluctuate during certain moments or times. This is also true of our behaviour, patience, mannerisms and so on.

When thinking about any of the obvious S.A.D related triggers or causes, homeopathy can be very useful in supporting these things that are particularly important clues and hints, to discovering the right remedy. So how can homeopathy help with this? Well as always, there are numerous remedies which can support us but S.A.D is a difficult topic to self prescribe. Just as an example, I have listed a few of my favourite remedies for this seasonal slump. As always, homeopathy is best prescribed on an individual basis.

  • Aurum Metallicum a remedy that is useful for those with deep depression during the winter months. Ideal for those who hide away, avoid socialising and delve into their work or projects to compensate for this, until they will reemerge during the spring. This remedy is also useful for circulatory issues, which can occur more during the winter period. 
  • Phosphorus, is well suited to those that love the sun, feel better for the warmth and glow of the sun and generally feel much better simply being out in the sunshine! Even brief moments of sunshine on a winter’s day will boost their mood. Individuals who may benefit from Phosphorus are those who can be profoundly affected by the darker, colder, cloudier weather, often feeling their spirits are low and becoming miserable and glum as a result of this, often not linking the connection to weather and their mood initially.

    Rhus Tox, is a remedy many know and love, famed for its powers related to aches, pains and stiffness, particularly of the joints and back. These complaints are often as a result of the cold, damp winter weather. This remedy is very useful for those who suffer a lot due to cloudy weather too. For those particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, who experience long periods of cold, cloudy, damp winter climate which over time, makes them feel quite miserable – they are particularly at risk of ill effects if they get wet. Their rheumatic aches and pains are of course exasperated by this weather and as a result, they are prone to stiffening up. Getting up after sitting or lying for a significant length of time is difficult, yet movement eases any aches and pains or stiffness. Whilst restless is also associated with this remedy, famously these clients will be feeling much better for movement of any kind, despite initially being hard for them. So a long brisk walk earlier on in the day would be well advised to a Rhus Tox type of client!

As a brief introduction to a few remedies you are able to see the individualities of each type, as well as the type of person they would be better suited to. If you or someone you know is struggling during this season whether it is S.A.D or otherwise, why not book a free discovery call with me, to find out how homeopathy may be a great addition to your winter wellbeing.

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