I would like to start by wishing you a very happy new year for 2023!
I really look forward to seeing where this year takes me both personally and professionally, however I can’t say I personally feel January is the start of a new year for myself, in the calendrical sense! I always feel September is, the same way it was at school, or after the slower pace of the long summer days, as the nights begin to draw in. I feel that there is often so much pressure on us to enjoy ourselves during the Christmas and new year period. It can be an overwhelming time even for the most festive of folks!
New year also comes with its pressures, as it invites us to look outward at our current environment and the wider world, to reflect on what has happened over the past twelve months, taking away memories and lessons. Whilst envisioning our future selves and where we want to be with our attainments and achievements. This is often in the creation of goals or resolutions, which we make for ourselves and often struggle to maintain past the last week of January! From a homeopaths point of view, they are simply the worst thing you can do to yourself. The pressure is on! As I learnt from some of my lecturers and coaches, I always tell my clients who do want to try and administer such changes in their lives (big or small), to try and think about these desires in a new light, to make them feel more accessible. As acts of self care and love, finding the motivation and having the discipline and determination to be kind to yourself, even when you feel reluctant or about to give in, to remind yourself to keep going because it is for you and your greater good. even when you are tired and feel defeated by a bad day, finding the last little push to make yourself adhere to your goal.
The easiest way we can feel more positive for any change in our lives or simply the start of a new year, is to set more realistic targets for our daily habits and routines, not punishing ourselves with out of reach, unobtainable achievements. Having a plan and a goal is great but not at the mercy of our inner peace and confidence! So if you do want to make some changes this year, start gently and slowly – be the tortoise not the hare!
As we slowly get back into the swing of things, my own new year intentions are that over time this blog will host various topics and journaling that will serve myself and my learning, as well as my clients. I hope to focus on subjects which are frequently discussed in clinics and can often be recurring themes and patterns for many individuals as well as collectively in society. Whilst taking into consideration the turn of the seasons and certain trends which may be relevant to us and our health, as we progress through the year.
If you have any ideas or topics you would like to know more about in regards to homeopathy, remedies, wellbeing and complementary and integrative medicine in general, please drop me a line in the ‘contact me’ section of the website. I would be so happy to hear from you!
Hoping 2023 brings you every positive thing you wish for, here’s to a happy and healthy new year!