We have all heard the saying time and time again, “your health is your wealth”. That includes our own health, our family and friends health and of course, the health of our wider society and environment all of which are equally important. However when I talk with many, I am surprised at the lack of awareness we have when it comes to our own body, systems and overall health.
Every living thing is self-healing and we are no exception to this, despite we often believe we are the superior species, we frequently doubt our bodies ability. When something goes wrong or we become out of sync/ balance or however you like to phrase it, we become unwell. In some cases this can lead to severe dis-ease. We are all unique and therefore our bodies and our expressions of such discomfort and dis-ease, demonstrate themselves individually. We are also aware that prevention is better than cure, however this is not always something we can manage to so successfully for ourselves.
Therefore, does it not make great sense for us all to have our own bespoke treatment type, to support our body to regain its strength and vitality? With the right course of action, we can and will overcome those obstacles, if we want to. However here lies the often difficult part for many individuals, who struggle to begin or simply, are not ready. Depending how long these challenges to our health and our life force have been, the longer we have learnt to cope with and manage them and therefore, the longer they may take to improve. This is where our true strength and resilience is tested. Can we push through the hardest and darkest of moments our health may bring, to believe and fully commit to the idea there is better health waiting for us on the other side?
For thousands of years amongst all cultures across the globe, there was an understanding and a shared knowledge to healing and our health. It required almost no pills, ointments or intervention of any kind – only energy! However over the course of time, as well as evolution in medicine and technology, this skill and awareness has been left behind. My intention when we meet, is to help you achieve the maximum freedom from any limitations you are facing in your life, by reaching the best health possible using homeopathy. There is no restriction to who homeopathy can support, from birth to advancing years. there are also no limitations to the other treatments or practices you are undergoing for your health. Homeopathy is not an alternative, it is a complementing, functional treatment that assists our needs and encourages the body to initiate its own healing capatbilites. We must never give up trying to be and feel the best we can. Whether it is physical, mental or emotional, there are ways in which we can naturally support ourselves and in time, heal.
Time is of the essence
The best things in life are sometimes worth waiting for, freedom and liberation from health setbacks and challenges would certainly qualify for many, as something they would like to be relieved from. Often feeling it is not possible or too late for them, As for homeopathy, results will take time – not always, but often many clients say they are aware of this, however you have to fully accept that when you are healing and reducing many months, years or even decades of suppression, this can feel like a never ending battle. Our lives are so full and fast paced, that sometimes forcing ourselves to take a step back and evaluate, reflect on how far we have come, as this is the only way we can see how the smallest alterations (which often go unnoticed and unappreciated), have the greatest impacts in the long-term particularly for our willpower and motivation. When we just stop and look, we will find the evidence which we often need, to give us the faith and encouragement to keep going!
Homeopathy is about treating us as the extraordinary, one of a kind creations we are as human beings. You are not your symptoms, or medical notes. Your body is trying to communicate and therefore you must attempt to learn its language, to better understand what it wants and needs! This is why homeopaths will always treat people not their diagnosis or prescriptions. In finding the right remedy for you, this will kick-start what may hopefully be a new chapter in your life and may help you on your journey back to better health. In order to do this however, you have to fully believe, fully commit and remind yourself that your health really is your wealth.
At times, it can be difficult to put our health first and the importance of looking after ourselves as best we can, as there are so many other things going on in life. We also don’t often talk about the root causes of many of our health issues because if we just begin there, we will eliminate many (at times) unnecessary interventions such as tests, and treatments which can be very frightening and provoking. We are all too familiar with the phase ‘prevention’, but we don’t prevent. There is also very little, or almost non existent lifestyle management training for both individuals in real life or medical school. Especially in regards to what to do or how to focus on prevention and optimum health. However, do we really need training you may argue? Don’t we already know what we need to do to look after ourselves? Well it should be simple. We can easily take responsibility and make the changes and make our lives better, as these actions are usually costing us nothing but a change of perception. Some of the ways we not helping ourselves are:
- We don’t hydrate ourselves enough
- We do not allow ourselves to sleep enough to heal
- We eat junk food which leads to inflammation which eventually leads to being chronically unwell
- We eat too much, not enough, too late, or constantly
- We smoke when we know the risks associated
- We drink alcohol and don’t stop until we get ill
- We are sedentary both at work and at home
- We don’t get enough fresh air or exposure to nature
- We are slowly becoming more addicted to watching the screens and blue lights that not only ruin our vision but also our inner peace and wellbeing
- We absorb more artificial light than daylight
- We frequently absorb mobile phone signals, wifi, bluetooth and many other forms of electromagnetic fields
- We don’t find the correct methods to manage our stress, which in turn affects our immune system
- We are running ourselves into the ground, refusing to slow down or take a break
- We are exposing ourselves more and more to interventions of an invasive nature. As well as taking more medications, tests and procedures, as an alternative way of avoiding what we really need to do, to prevent disease
As difficult as it often is, we really need to look at ourselves and see what and where we can improve, to get the best from our health and enjoy living our lives to the fullest. We must remember that our healthcare systems are disease management systems, great for when we need them – emergencies and life threatening situations of course. But we are not to be at the mercy of medications, pain or discomfort. That is not what life is all about, is it?
Our health is our responsibility and only we have the power to care for ourselves as well as we deserve. Your health truly is your wealth!