A word on homeopathy

Unsure what to think or believe about homeopathy? Are you sceptical, wondering if it may be of help to you or those you know, who need some support to improve their health and wellbeing? There is not a day that goes by where I can’t imagine most homeopaths shaking their heads wishing this wasn’t the case! I can understand the controversy and the scepticism around homeopathy. I find this a difficult part of the health and wellness industry in general to discuss in a balanced way, as is the case with many complementary therapies which have similar preconceptions when it comes to efficacy in research &/or treatment. Open discussion with honesty is necessary in order to educate and inform regardless of the topic. I will try to express to the best of my ability, wearing my heart on my sleeve what I see and believe to be the case in regards to homeopathy and the reputation it at times carries. It is an area of discussion that needs to happen more and homeopaths must be open about it during both our consultations and with the people we meet, in order to show to the world we are transparent, eager to progress and promote this powerful implement to healthcare. Our performance and effectiveness can only be appreciated when we are able to discuss and define our knowledge and findings in the real world, with curious people who want to better understand how homeopathy works.

Homeopathy is a complex subject and despite the cynics, there is evidence out there. However homeopathy like many other holistic forms of treatment is difficult to fund, research, and process to a level sufficient enough to be correctly appreciated and acknowledged by many pharmaceutical companies and government authorities, to grant it a viable and workable option in our healthcare systems. Especially today as health is a multibillion dollar industry, with some key names at the head of the table dominating healthcare possibilities and pharmaceuticals, as well as the strong influence that brings change to our healthcare systems around the world, some good and some not so much. There are many nations where the use and practice of homeopathy is actively encouraged and is considered to be first line of treatment in some instances, due to its effectiveness and reliability. This is something I will write about again in a future blog post as it really is interesting to see the varying points of view around the world, as well as offer further reading to those of you who may be interested.

Homeopathy is very challenging to put into trial due to the individualistic nature of the treatments. Not only that, it is of course very complicated for most of us to wrap our minds around such a concept. A substance that has been, to put it bluntly, diluted and shaken past the point of any physical material traces, so why and how would that work we may question?
It really is beyond our current lifestyles and philosophies, it is a completely different model for health than we are used to, particularly here in the western world at this moment in time (we are often forced to last on quick fixes and suppressants nowadays, as we don’t attempt to heal, simply manage and mitigate symptoms in order to get by). There are however studies being conducted on the memory of water and the power of the most infinitesimal energetic substances. There are people out there, trying to find answers and the proof needed to satisfy our curiosities and modern scepticisms, regarding many areas of science, medicine and complementary therapies such as homeopathy. Nevertheless, where do we even begin to study, scrutinise and analyse when an individual is holistically brought to a place of harmony and balance? healing occurs from within and as a result the entire organism is affected in the most profound way. It is again complicated to quantify the changes, the delicate ebbs and flows of our human bodies and its rhythms, as we are now so disconnected from our home, the earth. Like the sun, the moon, the trees and the flowers, the weather and the tides, we have our ups and downs, highs and lows. Yet when the downs and the lows are beginning to affect our daily lives, this is when our natural energetic force is calling us, asking us to pay better attention. It isn’t complicated to listen to our bodies, we just lost this art somewhere along the way to modern life, we are really busy! The way I try to explain this to my clients, is to go back to the analogy of our symptoms being an expression of that energetic force, or ‘chi’ as it is known in the East – needing balance or restoration. These expressions can be addressed energetically and holistically, gently and individually by homeopathy. The right remedies work on an energetic plane within the individual, so they are not spot-treating symptoms or masking those expressions to keep them suppressed.

Homeopathy really does have the power to support us all and transform our lives, making it simpler and easier to start actually living! Challenges from our lifestyles, environments and our impaired standards of health and wellbeing, can all be supported and in many cases reversed with the right care and attention. Homeopathy can be used in conjunction with so many other forms of treatment and/ or therapy, the options are almost endless.

I would be so pleased to change the opinion of others, who perhaps don’t know what is actually out there to improve and support their health, to help them discover and realise how extraordinary and remarkable homeopathy and many other holistic/ complementary treatments can be as an addition in their life. I often think to myself, if only more people knew! If only my generation had more knowledge at their fingertips of remedies that they can use or even make themselves at home, such as past generations did when there were no healthcare systems to rely on. If more people and in particular younger people and those of working age, were aware of these viable options in supporting themselves through everyday life especially in recent years where we faced the harsh realities of the Covid- 19 pandemic, they may have felt some reassurance and that they had something to depend on. Wellness and good health really has the ability to transform not only our individual lives but also create powerful changes across communities, countries and continents. This really is possible, simply through individuals making small changes and reflecting on other potential choices available to them.

Good health and wellbeing also should not be for the select few, which it is fast becoming. Homeopathy is an efficient, sustainable, economically viable and environmentally friendly way of supporting many different conditions, there are really no limits. Homeopathy does hold the power to assist in the transformation of lives, I wish more knew it was available to them! This is not a complicated model of healthcare to implement despite the complex philosophy behind it! This is a complementary therapy that can be used alongside any other practice (as I keep repeating) and I can’t think of any reason why this couldn’t be reincorporated back into many current systems, such as ours in the UK, the NHS. Where homeopathy still has some relevance, despite a diminished role at present. As this is the case, someone like myself and other modern homeopaths need to continue to demonstrate and offer practical support and solutions to those who are curious and interested enough to try. To encourage others to talk about and reach out to others, who may be missing out on what homeopathy has to offer.

By writing this I hope that I am in my own small way, putting myself out there and trying to spread the positive word of homeopathy, far and wide. I want to empower those who cross my path, to take charge of their mind, body, health and wellbeing. We have one home and we need to look after it, your body really is your temple. I will always aim to do the best and provide my best to my clients, if I don’t have the answer, I will have someone in my network who will. I will also always request you to refer to your GP too, as your health is multidimensional and requires the attention of all those who can help you to feel your very best. You are not alone in your journey to better health, however it will take time to change. This is where courage and conviction are needed, to believe you deserve the very best. Another challenge which homeopathy faces today, is that nobody has enough time or silence to really focus on themselves, reflect, listen to themselves and their needs. These are two luxuries in life that we must demand more of and make for ourselves! This type of treatment will take time. It may be a long process for some and a shorter one for others, however this is actually the best way to get to know ourselves again, or perhaps for the first time. To discover what our body likes or needs. Watching ourselves adapt and transform, understanding what we need to nurture ourselves with and what we need less of. There is no magic pill, but there is time, perseverance, reflection and change. The reward for all of this, can be a long-term improvement and a structural change for the better, this may be physical, mental or everything in-between. Everyone deserves to have access to good healthcare and this form of treatment may be something worth more of our focused attention and curiosity than it receives at present, I hope you agree.

Please look out for future blog posts, where I will feature links and articles on research and findings to further express and support this subject.

If you would like to discover more and see if this journey could be right for you, book a 15 minute discovery call with me and we can discuss how we may be able to work together.

Areas homeopathy may support you, as well as concerns I have worked with my clients on are amongst others:

  • Getting a good night’s sleep
  • Energy levels
  • Feeling well-adjusted, calmer and ready to face the day ahead
  • Improved quality of life through balancing hormones and mood
  • Maintaining glowing skin, healthy hair, stronger nails and beyond
  • Support the system both mentally and physically from burning the candle at both ends
  • Boosting resilience, supporting anxiety, worry, stress, grief, the blues or simply feeling overworked and underappreciated
  • Support after medical treatments, long-term illness and recovery
  • General health and wellbeing management
  • Pain management

FREE 15 minute discovery call

Get in touch to see how homeopathy can help you.