A fresh start

The cost of living is rising, there’s a shortage of many pharmaceuticals around the globe and many over the counter classics we often reach for are selling out fast thanks to the panic buying media frenzy – so what are you waiting for? Here are just a few reasons to try homeopathy this new year, a fresh start. You’ll wish you tried sooner!

  1. Because it is a new year, a fresh start and a great time to try something new! In our ever changing fast paced world, homeopathy has survived and thrived for years, its definitely not a new thing, its been around for quite some time! With an ever growing number of patients, practitioners and pharmacies around the globe, we can all be benefiting from this gentle treatment. Not to mention the numerous sports people and celebrities who utilise homeopathy, there is a rather quiet yet dedicated following that continues to flourish.

  2. Practitioners treat homeopathy as an art form, it is more than just science! The art is in the conversation, the rapport, the prescribing. Whilst taking time and care to analyse theories and philosophies before making a remedy selection. Homeopathy takes time to study, time to practice and time to prescribe. It is due to personalised care, time and attention that homeopathy is becoming even more popular, as it sees the person not the diagnosis, offering individuals tailor made support for their health and wellbeing.

  3. The body needs energy and homeopathy is based on energetic treatment. When our energy has been affected in some way, dis – ease arises. When we challenge this with homeopathic medicines, we empower our body, boosting our energy and provides the body with the impetus it needs to activate its healing capabilities.

  4. The joy of using homeopathy is that the medicines are risk free, non toxic and absolutely harmless! They are compatible with all other treatments, modalities and medications. As well as suitable for everyone, infants, pregnancy, elderly, humans, plants and animals!

  5. Interestingly, remedies are processed via methods of trituration and succussion – meaning there is little intervention to the finished product.

  6. Homeopathy is safe to continue using, even when there are reactions. Reactions which are usually in the form of elimination of waste or toxicity from of the body and these reactions are typically curative. We have just been led to believe these reactions are bad things, we are predisposed to see the negative when it comes to our bodies sometimes too!

  7. There is a minimum dose principal used in homeopathic prescribing. This requires just enough of a dosage in order to stimulate the body to heal, letting our bodies do the work! A homeopathic remedy is the catalyst to kickstart the healing.

  8. Homeopathy achieves results not by suppression but by provoking the body’s own inherent healing powers into action, an action which has been temporarily suspended by the strength of the condition, whatever it may be. Homeopathic practitioners do not heal this or that disease; they prescribe remedies in order to remind the body of what it needs to do to heal.

  9. Economically, homeopathy is a great option in the long term, as it is low cost compared to prescribed drugs. Whilst prices continue to increase, rising medication costs mean that alternatives or changes are worth considering. Even keeping just a few remedies at home can become indispensable to yours and your families health.

  10. You work with your body. Therefore your energy levels and vibrations will improve over time. You can learn so much about yourself through homeopathy. A better understanding of yourself and a ‘reconnection’ to self, can mean more confidence, feeling liberated, living the life you choose, thinking of your wants, needs and desires, as this form of medicine really opens you up to yourself. Strengthening and repairing the relationships we have with ourselves!

  11. You will always be supported with a remedy of some kind, as there are so many remedies available to give assistance and care for all of our ailments. You may have been given a diagnosis, label and statistics for your condition but homeopathy and homeopaths don’t pay particular interest to those. In fact, they are often irrelevant.

  12. Don’t give up hope that you can heal! Try something new, not only one form of treatment or modality. Give your health and self a chance and stick with it. Remember alongside homeopathy or any other modality, the best medicines are good nutrition, adequate hydration, sufficient sleep, fresh air, daylight, exposure to nature and the formation of a manageable routine, to help support your daily life and reduce stress. if your body isn’t given these basic tools, it won’t run smoothly. the body is a machine, it can run smooth when its treated right! This is not really anything new to you but it is the key to preventative, optimal health – remember lifestyle matters and toxic pills. can only do so much.

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